Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن continuation :

Houthi seizure of private university in Sana'a a continuation of usurping episodes

Al-Eryani: kidnapping singer Badagi by Houthis continuation to their campaign

Bin Mubarak; Rebel illusions, key war continuation reason

PM, British Ambassador discuss factors for continuation of the truce

Jubari: Houthi project continuation means more bloodshed

Taiz Governor, World Food Program discuss continuation of providing food aid

Human Rights Ministry celebrates Universal Children's Day

Info. Minister: STC's coup undermines govt's aptitude to pay salaries

Defense Minister holds meeting with military commanders on battlefields

Kuwait condemns Houthi militia's constant attacks on civilians in Saudi Arabia

IM regrets UN envoy's negligence of snipping female child in Taiz by Houtihs

Interior Minister praises efforts of UN orgs in alleviating suffering of citizens

Al-Wuhayshi, Russian official discusses strengthening cooperation

Planning minister presides over meeting on education's project

Government condemns Houthi militia's rocket attacks on Saudi cities

'Continuous Houthi recruitment of children to radicalization camps will constitute obstacle to peace'

International Security Council affirms its strong commitment to unity, sovereignty, Independence and territorial integrity of Yemen

Prime Minister meets with power representatives, importers of oil

UAE Red Crescent provides food aid to Hadhramout

Canadian Embassy denounces Houthi continuous attacks on Marib, Jawf

Health Ministry, WB discuss projects

SP meets Hadhramout social and political figures

Yemen, Russia discuss educational cooperation

Ambassador Noman, British officials discuss Yemen developments

JICA to resume technical cooperation with Yemen

Yemeni CSOs are surprised over the High Commissioner's position

Yemen's PM demands Russian pressure on rebels

Arab Coalition carried out 'quality operation' against Houthi camps

France condemns target Kawfal mosque in Marib

Hadi receives GCC Secretary General

Yemeni-American in oil and minerals discussed

Al-Kamal, UNICEF officials discuss cash transfer project

Health Minister, WHO's Director discuss challenges facing health sector in Yemen

Yemen, Kuwait discuss oil, power investments

FM confers with French Ambassador over peace efforts

Saudi Cabinet: Houthi militia's attack on Abha airport a war-crime

FM, Norwegian ambassador discuss bilateral relations

Water Minister reviews Dutch projects in Yemen's water sector

Arab Coalition strikes Houthi ballistic missile depots

Yemen, Spain discuss political, economic developments

Saudi Cabinet says Houthi missiles prove Iran's involvement in supporting militia

Vaccination of 18,000 health workers against covid-19

Yemen condemns Iranian seizure of British tanker

NAYPF denounces escalatory measures of the STC

Aden Governor discusses issues concerning people of Aden

Saudi Cabinet confirms security measures to secure Bab al-Mandab

Yemen condemns Israeli occupation forces' resumed aggression on Gaza

VP condemns Houthi militia's attacks on civil facilities in KSA

Yemen's Human rights condemns UN silence on Taiz carnages

High Relief Committee condemns Houthi Militia's attack on IDPs Camp in Hajjah

German support to Yemen discussed in Berlin

Mustafa meets Director of Middle East Department at the Belgian Foreign Ministry

Yemeni-South Korean cooperation in health sector discussed

Bin Mubarak discusses with Swedish envoy developments in Yemen

Yemen, Hungary discuss humanitarian assistances

Cabinet discusses political, military developments

Health Minister briefed on the work of the Prosthetic Limb Center in Aden

Marib Dep. Governor discusses humanitarian interventions of MSF

President receives Somali Ambassador

Defense Minister, American Ambassador discuss Houthis' attacks on economic facilities

Yemen, Austria discus developments, securing aid

Arab League denounces Houthi attack on Saudi tankers

PM, governors discuss public services via video conference

UNICEF's interventions in Yemen discussed

Yemen, Algeria sign MoU in technical education

OIC denounces targeting Riyadh by Houthi rocket

Health Minister chairs meeting over the difficulties facing the health sector in Marib

Kuwait strongly condemns Houthi on Al-Dhaba oil port in Hadramout

Social Affairs Ministry, Sila Corporation discuss cooperation

FM meets Arab ambassadors accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Asbahi, Moroccan official discuss preparation of a bilateral cooperation program

Al-Zaori discusses with UNICEF national Social Protection Strategy

China Ambassador: China is committed to support Yemen's unity

Health minister discusses with Turkish ambassador support to Yemen

Coalition's forces hands over Yemen 27 mislead children

Emergency Committee discusses reports on pandemics

Eryani discusses with a German official strengthening bilateral relations 07/18/2022

Defense Minister discusses with Saudi commander support to Yemeni army

Yemen Minister urges international organizations to move to Aden

Promoting institutional and economic flexibility project in Yemen discussed

Health minister discusses with ICRC medical assistance to chronic diseases

Dep. Premier, UNHCR discuss humanitarian cooperation

Abduction of SFD 's 40 workers

Eryani, Friedrich Ebert discusses latest developments in Yemen

Projects of Saudi reconstruction program in Yemen discussed

Culture Minister lauds Egypt support to Yemeni Govt

Saudi Cabinet affirms that Yemen peace is a priority

Houthi militias snipers shoot civilians in Taiz for fun during Eid al-Fitr

SDF's educational interventions in Mukalla discussed

Al-Sa'adi discusses with UN official coordination for helping displaced people

Fatah explores Turkish Red Crescent's relief aid

Planning ministry calls for rescuing millions of displaced people in Marib

Baaboud, Saudi Minister discuss cooperation in mining

Bin Daghr discusses with Egyptian Ambassador latest developments in Yemen

Tunisia declaration confirms regional, international support to Yemen

Al-Sharjabi, UNICEF representative discuss supporting water and sanitation institutions with fuel

A symposium in Aden discusses legal protection for women

Military Court holds its fifth hearing against Houthi coup

Interior Minister discusses with acting Russian ambassador security cooperation between the two countries

Arab Parliament denounces continuous attacks against children in Yemen

Accomplishments of Taiz Presidential Committee discussed

Aden's al-Muflihi, UNHCR envoy discuss refugee issues

A meeting in Marib discusses mechanism of delivering humanitarian aid to IDPs

FM, Norwegian counterpart discuss dangers of Houthi attacks on oil facilities

Al-Eryani denounces Houthi militia's shelling houses in Hais, Hodeida

Al-Hamed, OCHA discuss situations in Abyan

Al-Zayani condemnsHouthi ballistic missileattackon Saudi cities

Al-Iryani: UNDP's report impedes Yemenis unify their fronts to topple coup

Yemen ambassador meets Austrian Foreign Ministry official

Vice President phones Jawf governor on military developments

Kuwaiti campaigndistributes schoolbags in Taiz

President discusses with his vice, prime minister his meetings with foreign delegations

HR Ministry condemns Houthi militia's attacks on residential areas in Marib

President al-Alimi calls on (IC) to rest on the Yemeni govt. as close partner to secure international navigation

Buhaibeh discusses with US diplomat support to Yemen's health sector

Arab chairs meeting on tightening security in liberated areas

President congratulates Chinese Counterpart on establishing Communist party

Marib Dep Governor, UN officials discuss exacerbated humanitarian conditions in the governorate

Leadership Council member Brig. Gen. Tariq Saleh, inaugurates three schools in Mokha

Al-Zaouri and Al-Shamsi discuss development projects funded by the UAE in Yemen

Deputy Foreign Minister praises level of partnership and cooperation between Yemen and China

Yemen supports US strikes in Syria

Chief of Staff visits officers wounded in Thursday's drone attack

Al-Eryani denounces repression of citizens in Houthi-held areas

Arab Coalition destroys Houthi UAVs storage facility

Yemen, Spain's diplomats discuss latest developments

Yemen condemns Houthis' ballistic missiles on the UEA

Head of Judiciary Council, Justice Minister receives UN delegation

Government renews support to Yemeni Airline increase flights from Sana'a

Interior Minister discusses with Saudi team head implementing Riyadh Agreement

Ambassador Qi: WFP implements China-funded humanitarian program

Oppenheim: Negotiating with the Houthi militia is difficult

Taiz Deputy Governor discusses with UNICEF humanitarian situations

Dep. FM, Chinese Chargé d'Affaires discuss promoting Sino-Yemen relations 12/29/2022

Chief of Staff receives phone call from US Central Command Commander

Al-Awadi meets Regional Director of the Norwegian Refugee Council 11/08/2022

Taiz Governor meets with Director of UN's Office for Security and Safety

Yemen seeks Jordanian energy expertise

Amir of Kuwait: We're interested in political solution in Yemen in line with GCC's Initiative, UNSCR

Bulgarian Gov't Proposes to Waive Tuition Fees for Undergraduate, PhD Students

Samaritan Purse's interventions in Taiz discussed

Defense Minister receives French ambassador in the interim capital Aden

Finance Minister confers with European Ambassadors over economic, financial situation

Fatah calls for delivering relief aid to besieged al-Hayma in Taiz

Interior Ministry renews call for outlaw elements to stop clashes

Foreign ministry denounces militias' attack on Sudanese embassy

Yemen: Houthi Militias seized 200 relief trucks

Yemen seeks Malaysian relief support

ABEGS denounces UNICEF's print of sectarian schoolbooks

Yemen participates in 42nd session of Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs

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