Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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NGOs network demand holding Houthis accountable for war crimes

Emergency Committee holds Houthi militia accountable for Polio resurrection

Govt suspends its team involvement in the RCC, holds Houthi militia accountable

Fatah holds Houthi accountable for seizing 51,000 tons of wheat to WFP

Oil Minister holds Houthi militia accountable for damaging strategic oil pipeline

Spokesperson of Armed Forces holds Houthi militia accountable for Sawan crime

Yemen calls on UNSC to hold Houthi militia accountable for killing nine abductees

Human Rights League holds Houthis accountable for migrant burning crime

Dep. Premier: Lawbreakers will be held accountable

Arab Parliament advises Intel to hold Houthi militia accountable for child recruitment

Al-Iryani holds Houthi militia accountable for prisoners safety

Al-Eryani holds Houthi militia accountable for journalist al-Mansouri's, his colleagues' safety

Govt holds STC accountable for armed escalation in Aden

Human Rights Ministry holds Houthi militia accountable for Anwar Arrakn's death

Arab Parliaments holds Houthi militia accountable for worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Al-Hadrami holds Houthi militia accountable for humanitarian crisis Yemen struggling with

Fatah calls on the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs to hold Houthi militia accountable for its crimes

FM denounces Iran's recognition of Houthi representative

Govt condemns Houthi militia's attacks on governmental team residence in western coast

Al-Brakani to Hadi: Parliament's sessions need to be held in Aden, Marib sooner not later

Aden officials address oil products shortage

Hodeidah local authority mourns Director of Political Security

Houthi militia destroys house of deputy interior minister in Sana'a

Govt records all atrocities of UAE-backed STC, says Deputy FM

Arab Coalition forces down six Houthi explosive-laden drones

Shura Council condemns separatists' declaration of self-rule

Governors of Tiham province, YGC hold Houthi militia responsible for cooking gas crisis

Culture Minister stresses protection of historical sites in Hadhramout

Yemen central bank condemns separatists' seizure of cash containers

Yemen condemns sabotage attack against four cargo vessels near UAE waters

NGOs condemn Houthi killing and injuring of civilians in Beidha

Houthi militia blamed for polio resurrection, says senior official

Minister of Defense urges reinvigorating military rules enforcement authorities

Yemen condemns Iran's threats to navigation in the Arabian Gulf

Security Council's carelessness will allow Houthis to continue dodges

Arab Parliament: Houthi militia execution 9 persons including juvenile a crime against humanity

Al-Hajraf: Houthi militia's attack on Abu Dhabi airport terrorist act, war-crime

Foreign Ministry condemns assault on Sudanese Embassy

Info. Minister: STC's coup undermines govt's aptitude to pay salaries

Arab Parliament condemns Houthis kidnapping headmistresses in capital Sana'a

Govt condemns Houthis for plundering oil imports fees from CBY in Hodeidah

Coalition implements quality operation in retaliation for Houthi threat

Keeping blind eye approach to Houthis will allow them 'to keep avoiding their commitments'

Kuwait strongly condemns Houthi on Al-Dhaba oil port in Hadramout

PM: We hold Imamate militia responsible for the abductees of the GPC' members

Yemen's airlines, fleet discussed

Al-Barakani briefs his Austrian counterpart on the peace efforts in Yemen

President Hadi orders probe into assassination attempt targeted Aden Governor, Agriculture Minister

FM blames Houthi militia for refusing to come to peace

GCC denounces Aden Airport's terrorist attack

PM orders zero-tolerance measures toward corruption

Interior Ministry suspends work until STC militia vacate state institutions

Al-Salami: Houthi attack on oil tankers a serious threat to global peace and security

Eryani condemns Houthi torture of academician Sabri Al-Hakimi to death

Yemen journalists emphasizeaccountability for rights violators

Government urges UN Security Council to condemn Houthi crimes against civilians and designate them a terror group

Shura Council headship blames Houthi militias for what happens in Yemen

Political parties alliance condemns Aden terrorist attack

Marib: First anniversary of Layan's death in Houthi missile attack

FM says Riyadh Agreement needs to be implemented fully, without foot-dragging

Ambassadors condemn attacking convey of UN Envoy to Yemen

Houthi militia kidnaps 3 engineers of Safer Oil Co.

Workshop on national strategies to prosecute human rights abusers

Yemen: Massive demonstrations against Israel's continuing genocide in Gaza

YCB decides US dollar exchange rate at 506 (YR)

Government warns against looting public, private funds by Houthis

Yemen gov't vows to prosecute Houthi criminals in international courts

Perpetrators of human rights abuses will be held to account sooner or later, says official

Fellow citizens' complaints must be heard—PM

President directs government to tackle Aden floods' damages

Shabwa government discuss response to security challenges

Government: Houthi attack on Mocha harbor blatant defiance of international peace efforts

Association of Mothers of Abductees condemns kidnapping women by Houthi militia

Parliament deliberates draft bill criminalizes Houthi militia, labeling it a terrorist group

Seminar on national, international mechanisms to deliver justice

Yemen considers Palestinian cause Arabs' central concern

What happened in Aden is a coup, says Deputy FM

Al-Eryani condemns Houthi militia's villagers massacre in Taiz

BinMubarak participates in the 18th Extraordinary Session of the OIC's Foreign Ministers

Arab Parliament speaker condemns Houthi attack on Saudi airport of Abha

Yemeni-Pakistani bilateral relations discussed

Al-Eryani rebukes Houthi militia for blocking relief actions

Security Committee in Marib discuss report about joint security operation to hunt down wanted persons

BinMubarak briefs Lenderking on Houthis' terrorist attacks

Yemeni Government welcomes International Security Council's resolution

Govt affirms its non-tolerance with human rights violations

Government denounces Houthi renting of public facilities

Yemen calls on UNSC to pressure Houthis to respond to Coalition's ceasefire

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate condemns STC seizure of state-run news agency premises

Info. Minister says it is time for the IC to support govt's efforts to establish security, stability in Yemen

YCMHRV condemns Houthi shelling of ex-child fighter rehab center

Saudi Arabia calls on UNSC to stop Houthi militia's threats to international peace, security

Parliament leadership condemns Houthi militia killing 9 persons in Sana'a

Yemen's Arab League rep. participates in International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

Information Minister calls for ending suffering of detainees

Parties call for Riyadh Agreement implementation, condemn assassination of Islah activist

Interior Ministry suspends its work in Aden

Al-Brakani blames Houthi militia for disrespecting Stockholm Agreement

Yemen reports to Ethiopia about Houthis' crime against Ethiopian detainees

Deputy Premier, Minister of Interior chairs a meeting of Interior Ministry senor officers

Fath condemns Houthi militia's attack on Saudi oil tanker

Arab Parliament calls on IC to bear responsibility toward Houthis' terrorist crimes against civilians

President participates in UN overhaul meeting

Al-Erada meets with a government team to evaluate performance, prepare a needs matrix

Govt' s spokesperson: government committed to Riyadh Agreement, STC blamed for escalation

Gov’t says Houthis use humanitarian measures to finance own terrorist activities

FM meets with UN Secretary General in New York

Al-Alimi: Arab Coalition key anti-Iran expansion policy pillar

Yemeni gov't. blames Houthi militia for worsening humanitarian situations

Yemeni Parliament calls on UNSC to move to stop Zionist aggression on Gaza, protect Palestinian peoples

Yemen seeks Estonia's role in SC for helping solve crisis

UN-brokered truce has proved one-sided, says Mujalli

Militia's harassments against relief organizations must be internationally condemned, says minister

Govt calls on Humanitarian Coordinator to blame Houthi crimes on Houthis

Fatah condemns Houthi militia holding 16 relief trucks in Ibb province

UN de-escalation calls should be addressed to Houthi militia, says PM

Houthi militia abducts the Journalist Abdulsalam Addoais

Arab Parliament condemns Houthi militia's firing laden-explosives drones toward Saudi Arabia

Houthi militia holds back 19 oil ships in the Red Sea

Yemeni-Turkish bilateral ties discussed

'Continuous Houthi recruitment of children to radicalization camps will constitute obstacle to peace'

Fatah denounces Houhi militia abduction of UN's agencies workers

Rasd Coalition monitors 5113 child soldier cases during the past four years

Yemen participates in Arab Committee's round on human rights

Al-Saadi meets representative of UN Secretary-General for children and armed conflict

Security operation to hunt down lawbreakers ongoing in Marib

Legitimate government is committed to human rights principals, VP says

Foreign Minister consults with Dutch Ambassador over good offices to extend the truce

Arab Coalition says Houthi missile targeted Riyadh populated areas

Yemen, Netherlands discuss latest developments

Eryani calls for international action toward the crimes of Houthi militia against civilians in Taiz

Bin Mubarak, Lenderking discuss peace efforts

Ministry Of Interior proscribes any groupings, rallies or demonstrations in Aden now

Al-Maliki: Coalition disputes disinformation in UN Secretary General's report about children died, unfairly blamed Coalition

Yemen condemns attempts of terrorist Houthi militias to threaten KSA security

Civil Organization condemns Houthi bombing of homes in Amran

UN Secretary General warns of total collapse of humanitarian situation in Gaza

Government confirms inspection in Hodeida's ports

Deputy Premier, Minister of Interior chairs high-profile meeting

FM holds discussions in Aden with European Ambassadors

Yemen government holds Houthi responsible for failed peace

Yemen's rights committee hands over report to President

Al-Iryani warns of compulsory recruiting in militia held-regions

Council of Ministers makes an appeal to the UN, IC for sustaining govt's efforts to counter pandemics

Yemeni political parties condemn STC for takeover state's institutions in Socotra

Fatah calls on ICRC to keep on its actions in Yemen, blames the militia for disturbing International organizations

Yemen denounces firing ballistic rocket on Saudi Arabia

Yemen welcomes adopted resolution for ceasefire in Gaza Strip

Yemen, US discuss developments in the south

Govt spokesman condemns twin terror attack in Aden

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