Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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Kuwait condemns criminal Aden's criminal attack

Prosecution refers 17 terror suspects to specialized criminal court

Interior Ministry partakes in Arab Criminal Statistics Committee's meeting

Specialized Criminal Court reopens, tries terror case

Al-Maysari, UNDP discuss criminal investigation capacity building project

High Security Committee condemns Houthi criminal operation targeted Al-Anad Airbase

Ministry of Oil: targeting Safer oil pipeline pumping station criminal, subversive action

Prime Minister calls for quick arrest of criminal gang

Criminal acts won't deter govt from cracking down on assailants, says bin-Daghr

Specialized Criminal Court sentences convicted armed gangsters to capital punishment

Security forces besiege terrorists in Criminal Investigation Department

VP follows Houthi militia's criminal attacks against civilians in al-Boq'a market

Liberated governorates: Police seize 1029 persons in connection with 1295 criminal cases during July

Info Minister says Houthis continue to employ mosques for their criminal plans

Hadi stresses imperative of unified countering of criminal designs

Eryani: Abdulmalik Al-Houthi and his criminal militia have a record full of destructive policies against banking sector.

Eryani: Houthi militia’s elimination of Dr. Al- Shabooti is a heinous crime that adds up to its criminal record

Protesters in front of International Criminal Court demand lifting years long Houthi siege on Yemen city

PM says Houthi attacks on civilians in Marib reveal the criminal nature of the militia

President Hadi: absurd criminal acts by Houthi militia a manifestation of backtrack, ignominy

Criminal prosecution releases 46 detainees in Aden

Australian government lists Houthis as a terrorist organization

Parliament deliberates draft bill criminalizes Houthi militia, labeling it a terrorist group

The SJC: Houthis' sentence of killing 30 people illegal

General prosecution oversees law-enforcement authorities' action

Military Court sentences Houthi militia's leader,173 persons to death

Mahrah security service arrest 4 drug traffickers

Police arrest four suspected drug traffickers in Mahra

PM briefed on preliminary investigations into attack on security forces in Shabwa

Interior Ministry, UNDP discuss police and security support

NCIAVHR holds training workshop with ICTJ

Interior Ministry members start human rightseducation course

Hodiedah governor reports to VP about situations

Yemen PM stresses urgent humanitarian interventions in afflicted Marib

Yemen condemns Mogadishu terror bombings

Yemen participates in meeting to establish convention on cybercrime

Defense Ministry announces repelling terrorist attacks on al-Dhabbah port

NCIAVHR inspects detainees' conditions in prisons of Marib

Yemen denounces Mogadishu terrorist attacks

Emirati FM: Houthi terrorist attack on civil facilities won't go unpunished

President recommends tough measures to restrain radicals

Kuwait condemns Houthi militia's constant attacks on civilians in Saudi Arabia

Yemen's premiership denounces abduction of official's son by Houthis

Ministry of Culture condemns Houthi militia bombing al-Qawba Castle in Hajja governorate

President Hadi follows developments of situations in Al-Dhale'a governorate

Yemen condemns terrorist attack against civilians in London

Human Rights Ministry denounces coup militias' attack on Mokha port

Yemen participates in regional meeting on combating crime, terror

Minister of Interior surveys a number of security facilities in Sudan

Houthi militia bombards Mocha Port by ballistic missile, drones

Houthi militia detains 28 relief trucks in Ibb governorate

Yemen denounces Manchester terror attack

Human Rights Ministry condemns militias' decisions to execute 6 of the sons of Al-Mahweet

Mocha port targeted by bombed boat, says Arab Coalition

Eryani says plundering shows that Houthis are merely a gang

Yemen's Arab League rep. participates in International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

Inter. Ministry: 18 martyrs, 35 wounded the losses of Aden's terrorist attack

Arab Parliament calls on IC to bear responsibility toward Houthis' terrorist crimes against civilians

Al-Eryani denounces Houthi attack of al-Abdia Hospital

Al-Eryani condemns lifting judicial immunity from Judge Abdulwahab Qatran

Military court holds 11 hearing prosecuting Houthi leaders on coup

Yemen's Shura Council condemns Israeli raids on Gaza Strip

Vice President phones Marib governor on latest developments

Government: Continuous Houthi terrorist attacks threaten international energy supply

Al-Eyrani condemns Houthi militia's assassination attempt against Governor of Taiz governorate

Human Rights Ministry condemns Houthi landmine planting as civilians get killed and injured in Ibb

Fateh: Condemns enforced displacement in Taiz

Foreign Ministry denounces France attack

Parliament calls international organizations to punish perpetrators behind Aden's attack

Arab Parliament condemns Houthi atrocities against Yemeni MPs

Cabinet of Ministers discuss assassinations of mosques' orators

President Hadi convenes high-profile extraordinary session

Bin-Dagher chairs meeting about counter-terrorism

Bulgarian Interior Ministry: Evelin "Brendo" Banev entered Bulgaria by plane in 2022

PM offers condolences to his Somalis counterpart on the victims of the terrorist attack

Saleh-Houthi militias bomb a house in Shabwah

Parliamentary blocs support govt's position toward the Coalition's statement about protecting maritime navigation

PM: Gov't returned to Aden to stay, restore the state

Houthi militias bomb citizen's house, kidnap villagers

Al-Shaddadi confirms Yemen's firm support to Palestinian cause

Yemen denounces Pakistan terror attack

Army to continue defending the nation's sovereignty, Chief of Staff says

OIC condemns Houthi hijacking of "Rawabi" ship

Govt. condemns recurring assassinations in temporary capital Aden

Hodeidah local authority mourns Director of Political Security

Houthi militia bombs 14 houses in Taiz

Arab Coalition condemns assassination attempt against UN Envoy

Saudi air defense shoots down Houthi drone

Human Rights Ministry denounces militia's violations against children, civilians

Info. Minister condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister of culture

SJC chief inaugurates training course for martial court personnel

Leadership Council chairman phone calls Sheikh Saatar to check on him after surviving terror bombing

Yemen condemns terror bombing in Saudi Arabia

Houthi militia destroys house of deputy interior minister in Sana'a

Yemen condemns assassination attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister

Interior Ministry participates in the 14th meeting of the Interpol Working Group on Cybercrime

Aden Court considers Yemen coup leaders fugitives from justice

Minister inspects girls' school after terrorist attack

Forum of Shabwa’s Free demand designation of Houthis a terror organization

Transport Ministry condemns Houthi militia missiles attack on Ataq airport

Yemen participates in workshop on terrorism in Cairo

Yemen condemns assassination bid against frmr US president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump

FM receives new Greece ambassador

A UAE ship attacked by Houthi guided missile, Arab coalition says

National investigators inspect government-run jails in Taiz

Justice Minister calls on IC to support Yemen

Yemen participates in Asian-African legal Consultative Organization's meeting

National Commission of Inquiry visits Bir Ahmed reformatory

Supreme Judicial Council relocates Higher Judicial Institute HQ to Aden

Court holds second session in trial of terror suspects

HR Minister calls on int'l community to take deterring measures against Houthi crimes

Info minister demands international trial of Houthi leaders over abuses of women detainees

Arab Coalition downs Houthi drone headed towards Saudi Arabia's Jazan

PM: The Republic, the Federal State will defeat Houthi soon

SP denounces militia kidnapping headmistresses in Sana'a

Yemeni and Turkish FMs discuss developments in Palestine

Arab Parliament advises Intel to hold Houthi militia accountable for child recruitment

Marib Security forces bust Houthi terrorist cell

UK denounces Houthi militia's attacks on Yemeni people, Saudi Arabia

Houthi militia bombards DP's camps by ballistic rocket southern Marib

Justice Minister seeks Egyptian support in training judges

Ministry of Interior: Records of 16,000 crimes committed during 2023

Japan invites Yemen to participate in UN Conference on Crime Prevention

UN must move to protect Yemen's children, Fatah says

KSrelief condemns Houthicriminal attack against IDPs in north Yemen

Houthi militia's attacks on Sport facilities need to be internationally condemned ,says minister

Military Prosecution in Marib accuses the suspect Hassan Arlo with several charges

Health Minister, Dutch Ambassador discusses humanitarian interventions in Yemen

National Program demines thousands of mines in liberated provinces

Wadi Hadramout Police arrest a wanted man

Al-Iryani denounces Houthi militia's shelling female wedding in Hodeida

Solicitor-General discusses with ICRC improving forensic medicine

Gov't renews unlimited commitment to human rights promotion, protection

Egypt denounces Houthi militia attacks on populated neighborhoods in Marib

Houthis hide fighters, vehicles in UNICEF and WFP warehouses, says al-Eryani

Yemen Shura Council calls on US, int’l community to take serious stance against Houthi crimes

OHCHR's delegation visits Taiz Central Prison

Arab Coalition downs Houthi drone headed towards Saudi Arabia

PM offers condolences to his Ethiopian counterpart on the victims of Sana'a lodging fiery

Houthi terrorists prove they are staying the course of bloodshed, says Yemen VP

Fact-finding panel pursues procedures on Radaa massacre

Political parties call on human rights organizations to condemn Houthi escalation

Shura Council presidency condemns Houthi kidnapping of 11 Tihamis on trumped-up charges

Arab Interior Ministers Council denounces terrorist attack on oil tanker off Jeddah coasts

Yemen: Marib police bust Houthi terrorist cell

Deputy Civil Service Minister condolesICRC chief

Discussion of cooperation between Yemen and UN Office on Drugs and Crime

OIC denounces attacks on aid convoys and UAE ship

Yemen participates in kickoff of CCPCJ session

Yemen denounces terror attack in France

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