Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن kidnapping :

Info. Ministry condemns separatists' kidnapping of journalist in Socotra

Info. Minister condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister of culture

Al-Iryani condemns Houthi militia's kidnapping 7 headmistresses in capital Sana'a

Ministry of Culture condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister

Eryani condemns Houthi kidnapping of journalist Al-Jaradi

SP denounces militia kidnapping headmistresses in Sana'a

Al-Eryani slams Houthi kidnapping of Safer World employees as terrorization act

Mujalli: Rebel militias resort to kidnapping children, send them to warfronts

Arab Parliament condemns Houthis kidnapping headmistresses in capital Sana'a

JOFHR denounces kidnapping a girl by Houthis

Shura Council presidency condemns Houthi kidnapping of 11 Tihamis on trumped-up charges

Al-Eryani condemns kidnapping of female leader, Fatima Al-Arouli 07/10/2022

Al-Eryani: kidnapping singer Badagi by Houthis continuation to their campaign

Info minister says Houthi kidnapping of 97 fooled defectors to their side shows Houthis as rogue gang

Human rights ministry denounces kidnapping Sana'a University's professors

Yemen condemns piracy and kidnapping of Rawabi ship

Info Minister condemns Houthi kidnapping of leaders of oil company labor union

Association of Mothers of Abductees condemns kidnapping women by Houthi militia

Information Monetary: Houthi militia kidnapped 144 journalists in 2018

Militia's abduction of Sana'a University 's girls unprecedented moral offense, says Minister

Report: Houthi militias committed 1134 violations against civilians in 2021

IFJ holds Houthis responsible for safety of kidnapped journalist Al-Dais

Report: Up to 9 thousand violations by Houthi militia against education in Aljawf

Coup militiasbreak into Information Minister's house in Sana'a

More than 100 organizations demand EP to impose sanctions on Houthis

Civil Organization condemns Houthi bombing of homes in Amran

Houthi militias' war-crimes against the people of Hajour tribe—Report

Houthi militia committed 2,158 violations against mosques in four months

Interior Minister meets with UN's team for security, safety

Houthi militias bomb citizen's house, kidnap villagers

Eryani expresses surprise over international silence for Houthi abuse and atrocities against journalists

OIC condemns Houthi hijacking of "Rawabi" ship

Al-Eryani praises Jordan's support for Yemen's government

Report: Terrorist Houthi militia blamed for 3 thausand violations against Mosques

Yemen rights network notarizes 4282 violations committed by Houthis against women

Info minister: Houthi jails stuffed with thousands of innocent civilians

Col. Maliki: Houthi militia promotes sectarianism is textbooks

VP: Houthi militia violates all international, humanitarian conventions

Ambassador al-Erada discusses with Mauritanian official latest developments in Yemen

Yemen rights org documents over 64 thousand Houthi abuses

Yemeni government renews demand for the UN and int'l agencies to move headquarters to Aden

Minister of Planning, OCHA discuss humanitarian situation issues

Yemeni Network for Rights condemns Houthi abduction of Baha'is

Rasd Alliance: 170 people killed in Houthi prisons under torture

Rasd Alliance: 170 people killed in Houthi prisons under torture

French senator says Houthi kidnaping of children is terrible

Banishment of Bahai's a crime against humanity, says al-Eryani

Yemen's ambassador to Tunisia explore ABU's cooperation

YJS records 130 violations of press freedom in first half of 2017

Militia committed 267 violations against human rights defenders, report

Transport Ministry: Houthi hijacking of Rawabi is a terrorist crime that threatens international navigation

Yemen, Portugal discuss displaced people, refugees' issues

Report: Houthi militias blamed for killing 7 detainees, torturing 120 others

Houthis committed 2508 violations in Q2 of this year: Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms

commits Up to 389 violations by Houthi militia in January

Vice President discusses with Lebanese Ambassador developments in Yemen

Rights symposium reveals Houthis have committed more than 1,500 violations against journalists

Arman discusses with UN coordinator promoting cooperation in Yemen

EU parliamentarians: Houthi crimes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law

Yemen minister warns Houthis of responsibility for safety of kidnapped journalists

PM says using journalists as hostages by Houthi militia revives Imamate rancorous tradition

Mujalli calls on international organizations to pressure Houthis to curb violations of women's rights

Documenting 3,495 violations committed by the Houthi militia in Aljawf Governorate

Yemen's premiership denounces abduction of official's son by Houthis

Al-Eryani Houthi militias are responsible for the safety of Judge Qatran

NCHRVA concludes hearing sessions on children's major violations

Report: Houthi militiamen killed 296, hurt 732 children in Marib

Al-Eryani condemns Houthi militia for kidnaping journalist Nadia Moqbel

Media Observatory: Houthi militia has very bad record of media antagonism

Report: Houthi militias blamed for 3419 offenses against civilians in Ibb governorate

Houthis committed over 36,000 violations in Aljawf in 2021, says report

Right symposium: Houthi militia arrested more than 1700 women in five years

Yemen: Houthi Militias seized 200 relief trucks

Info minister: 2015 was a year of journalists' bleeding

Rights group: Houthis committed 119 violations in Taiz during 2-month truce

Yemen calls transfer's sponsorsto denounceHouthi militia's escalation

Eryani calls on int'l organizations to take firmer stance towards Houthi abuse of journalists

Sana’a Mayor: Houthis commit most horrific crimes amidst silence of int’l human rights groups

Al-Qudaimi, al-Eryani discuss with Berghof Foundation peace efforts in Yemen

Info. Minister says it is time for the IC to support govt's efforts to establish security, stability in Yemen

Up to 55 thousand violations by Houthi militiamen in Aljawf governorate

Endowments minister warns Islamic nations against danger of Houthi terrorism

Yemen human rights group hand over reports to UN Rapporteur

Houthi militia commits thousands of violations in Jawf, says organization

Report: Up 20thuasand violations by Houthis against children

Report: Theocratic Houthi militia blamed for 65971 violations against children

Yemeni rights coalition warns against executing Journalist Jubaihi

Yemen's flourishing future contingent on eliminating Houthi coup d'état, says minister

Al-Iryani: Iranian regime has become a tool to terrorism in the region

Askar, Head of HRC discuss support to national committee

'MLAHR' appeals to UN to stop Houthi Militia mass-executions in Hodeidah

Vice President briefed on situations of Sana'a displaced people

Human Rights: Towahi genocide will not forgotten by prescription

Militia's harassments against relief organizations must be internationally condemned, says minister

Houthi militia commits 8 thousands of violations against villagers in Hajur of Hajah

HRITC documents 70 violations in Taiz during October

Eryani says Houthi arrest campaign reflects state of fear gripping the militia

Misary reviews Houthi-Saleh's human rights violations in Madrid

Political alliance condemns Houthi death verdicts against 36 detainees

Fatah denounces Houhi militia abduction of UN's agencies workers

Minister Fath denounces continuous relief violations by Houthis

Designating Houthis a ‘terrorist organization’ is an entailment of human rights respect, says Al-Eryani

Info Minister calls on int'l community to pressure Houthis to stop systematic targeting of civilians south of Marib

Military court holds 14 public hearing prosecuting coup's leaders

FM discusses with Head of IOM situations of displaced people in Marib

Vice President convenes meeting in Nehm

VP, UK Ambassador discuss situation developments in Yemen

NGOs appeal for an int'l rescue of Taiz villages under Houthi shelling. siege

HR organizations call upon UN to protect journalists in Yemen

FM: Houthi militias, enemy to everything in Yemen

Askar calls for taking strict positions towards Houthi crimes against Yemenis

Information Ministry regrets UN's attempt pass by journalists to Yemen

VP meets with UK Minister of State for Middle East

Yemen values UK peace efforts, support

Al-Iryani inspects relief, rehabilitating recruited children activities

Al-Iryani: Govt offered all concessions for peace

Government criticizes HCHR for silence on Houthi crimes in Hajour

Released prisoners reveal Houthi militia's atrocities in their detentions

Al-Brakani to Hadi: Parliament's sessions need to be held in Aden, Marib sooner not later

Coalitionlaunches annual report on human rights in Yemen

Mareb Human Rights Office sheds lights on Houthi crimes

FM: the Intl. community is convinced no political party Yemen talks to

Yemen, Netherlands discuss miserable humanitarian conditions

Militias subjecting many journalists to brutal torture, Info. Minister says

Parliament Speaker meets with President of UN General Assembly

F.alhusary: Al-Eryani meets with Chair of Spanish Parliament Committee on Foreign Relations

Rasd Alliance: Houthi militia continue atrocities against women

Yemeni Network for Rights & Freedoms documents 6,476 Houthi violations against women

Al-Rabi'ah: Yemen's government-held outlets opened before aid

Prime Minister chairs Meeting to evaluate organizations' interventions

Al-Iryani: The government will save no effort to centralize issue of the kidnapped people

General Haidan participates in Arab Interior Ministers Council's 41st Session

Yemen's Premier: We face Persian project targeting Arab Region

VP phone calls the Governor of Hadhramaut

Political parties call for integration around government, face sectarian plots

UN report on children contained misleading information, HRITC says

Hotuhi violations rank to crimes against humanity, says al-Iryani

Government warns of riots harming Yemen's national security

Yemeni Foreign Ministry denounces the bias of Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs in favor of the militia, demands replace him

relocate their headquarters to capital Aden

Houthi violations unprecedented in Yemen's modern history: HR Minister

VP meets with US Ambassador to our country

Twenty six CSOs say Mwatana is biased

President Alimi renews adherence to political solution references, and to not compromise state legal status

Mujalli praises French role in Yemen

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