السفير فقيرة يبحث مع مسؤول أردني تعزيز العلاقات الثنائية
بحث سفير اليمن لدى المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، الدكتور جلال فقيرة ،اليوم، مع أمين عام وزارة الداخلية الأردنية الدكتور خالد ابو حمور، العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين الشقيقين وسبل تعزيزها وتطويرها.
ارتفاع حصيلة الشهداء في قطاع غزة إلى 41,909 منذ بدء العدوان الإسرائيلي
ارتفع عدد الشهداء في قطاع غزة إلى 41,909، أغلبيتهم من الأطفال والنساء، منذ بدء عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في السابع من أكتوبر الماضي.
تراجع نمو الاقتصاد الإيطالي إلى 0.6 بالمائة
تراجع نمو الاقتصاد الإيطالي إلى 0.6 بالمائة على أساس سنوي في الربع الثاني من العام 2024، مقارنة بالتقديرات الأولية التي كانت تشير إلى 0.9 بالمائة في سبتمبر الماضي.
مواجهات متوازنة للفرق العربية في مرحلة المجموعات بدوري أبطال إفريقيا وكأس الكونفدرالية
أسفرت قرعة مرحلة المجموعات من مسابقة دوري أبطال إفريقيا لكرة القدم للموسم (2024 - 2025)، التي سحبت اليوم، بمقر الاتحاد الإفريقي لكرة القدم في العاصمة المصرية، عن مواجهات متوازنة للفرق العربية.
اسم المستخدم: كلمة المرور:
Interior Minister: Presidential brigades did their jobs protecting place, CBY
[07/08/2019 08:20]

Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Interior Ahmad al-Maysary has confirmed that the Presidential Protection Brigades have done their legal and state duty in facing a group of militants who attacked Ma'ashiq Palace and the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) at Cira City in Aden.

"We will carry out our legal duty as state officials for protecting state institutions, securing Aden Province and facing all outlaw practices," said al-Maysary in a release issued Wednesday evening.

He called upon people of Aden to be patient and calm, confirming that the ministry of interior and the forth military region commanded by Fadhl Hassan are able to deal with such riots and irresponsible practices and "we will carry out our duty as it must be."

He reviewed plots for armed attack on Ma'ashiq Palace and the Central Bank, pointing out that those incidents meant to create disorder in the province by elements known to all.

He added that these elements plotted this sedition after killing General Muneer al-Yafe'i, the Commander of the First Logistic Brigade by Houthi rebel militia and his body has been exploited for political objectives never to be achieved.

" We have been wise and patient as much as we can for protecting public stability and security and when a decision taken to bury Martyr Muneer al-Yafe'i in al-Qati' Graveyard ( in Crater), all knew there was a plot behind the funeral, as Crater is next to al-Ma'ashiq Palace, the Headquarter of the Presidency and the Government," said al-Maysary.

"What we have been aware of has been done. After burying the martyr at 1:00 PM, a group of known militants moved towards the Central Bank and Ma'ashiq Palace shouting to topple the Place," he said; adding the Presidential Brigades carried out their legal and state duty for facing such practices.

All have had doubts that what has been happening were just mere and irresponsible practices and there is no body behind it, he said, pointing to a release issued by the so-called Hani bin Buraik (the Deputy of Southern Transitional Council) aimed at creating unrest by his call to public mobilization under the name of the southern people and clearly announced war against the government's institutions.

He called those people called by bin Buraik not to respond to such killing calls as their aim is war, confirming that such calls serve Houthis only.

He announced continuous coordination with brethren in the Arab Coalition represented by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who informed the government their rejection to such releases calling for war, unrest and destruction.

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وزير الدفاع يبحث مع امين التحالف الإسلامي العسكري لمحاربة الإرهاب تعزيز التعاون المشترك
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الأكثر قراءة
مؤتمر الحوار الوطني

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