Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن statements :

Yemen condemns Israeli statements on shelling Gaza with nuclear bombs

Endowment Ministry denounces fabrication of false statements

Lebanese info minister's statements a clear bias toward terrorist Houthi militia: Saudi ministry

Al-Eryani: Iranian Commander's statements, recognition of fighting with Houthis

Foreign Ministry welcomes US statements regarding STC rebellion

Arab Coalition surprised by UN officials' biased statements regarding "errant strikes"

OIC: Lebanese info minister's statements are irresponsible

Yemen conveys official statements to South Africa on Aden coup

PM Office : Government's statements expressed by its official sources

Statements of Bagheri an official Iranian acknowledgment of supporting Houthis

IMF denies making statements about the Central Bank and the Yemeni economy

Yemeni government welcomes the UN envoy Martin Griffith's statements

Al-Eryani: Iranian statements confirms Marib's battle crucial

Yemen's info. Minister surprised by Humanitarian Coordinator's statements

Al-Iryani voices disagreements with British officials' statements about Hodeidah's recent events

Humanitarian coordinator's statements biased & politicized: Yemen

Yemen: UN Coordinator's statements on fuel exhaustion, baseless

Yemen: Jazairy's statements on besieging Hodeida port, strange

Houthi's speech proves his loyalty to Iran, says Info. Minister

Houthi militias behind airplane fuel shortage in Sana'a: Arab Coalition spokesman

Eryani: Houthi declaration of Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean a zone of military operations reveals its true nature

Yemen denounces Israeli occupation's plans to annex West Bank

CBY warns banks against failing to submit financials or move to Aden

Fatah calls on the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs to hold Houthi militia accountable for its crimes

Al-Iryani condemns Houthi call for sending children to warfronts

Minister of Information advises GPC leaders and members to realize challenges facing the party

Foreign ministry surprised by UNICEF representative's tweets on al-Durayhimi incident

North Yemen local authorities condemn separatists coup attempt

National committee says not involved in private jail investigation

Al-Eryani calls on the international community to stop the blatant Iranian interference in Yemen

Yemen Socialist Party calls on Yemenis to stand united to end Houthi coup

Yemen NGOs demand release of journalists in Houthi jails

Dep. FM meets head of Redeployment Coordination Committee in Hodeidah

President meets UK ambassador on departure

Government welcomes underway efforts to establish peace, supports the UN envoy's good offices

Central Bank organizes workshop on compliance of banks

PM decries UN's silence toward Houthi militia's manipulation of humanitarian card

Yemen parties congratulate Hadi, nation on 26th September Revolution

Yemen ambassador, Egyptian deputy minister discuss relations

Presidential Committee for Opening Roads accuses Houthis of one-upmanship and indifference to human suffering

Mauritania denounces violent incidents targeted state institutions in Aden

Kuwait renews support to Yemen's unity, stability

UN experts agree to revise corruption accusations against Yemen central bank

Yemen's latest developments discussed in Cuba

Prime Minister urges developing intelligences services

OIC calls UN toverify information on Yemen child casualties

France regrets refusal of truce extension by Houthi militia

Planning Minister participates in meeting of Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development

PM: Houthi militia's missile attack on gasoline station aims to spoil peace efforts

Al-Eryani appreciates Nilesat Company's cooperation with Yemen

Houthis' terrorist attack on Qena port draws world-wide condemnation

Kuwait stresses imperative of preserving Yemen's unity and sovereignty

Al-Iryani lambastes Houthi campaigns against humanitarian organizations

Yemen PM says looks forward to UN unequivocal naming of peace obstructing party

Only the head or spokesman 's remarks reflect govt views: PM

Yemeni Foreign Ministry denounces the bias of Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs in favor of the militia, demands replace him

Govt source: Houthi militia denied 2946 persons in its jails

Govtsupports Arab Coalition announced measures to protect Red Sea shipping

Al-Iryani: Iran's announcement on a military ruler in Sana'a confirms patronage to Houthis

Info. Minister calls on Lebanon to stop Hezbollah's antagonistic acts against Yemen

Fatah holds Houthi accountable for seizing 51,000 tons of wheat to WFP

GPC rejects Sana'a violations of its internal regulations

MARIB: Further humanitarian interventions urgently needed to cope with growing needs of IDPs, says Marib Dep

Government official disapproves news about Houthi militia withdrawal from Hodeidah seaport

PM arrives in Sherm el-Sheikh to attend WYC

Cabinet calls for designating Houthi militia a terrorist organization

KSA,UAE,UK and USA declare it is important to support Yemeni government to establish security, stability

PM: We're keenly seeking to engage young men and women in the development campaign

Info. Minister: Govt has made intensive efforts to preserve cultural heritage amid conflict

Rights groups condemn Houthi shelling of Taiz hospital

Al-Iryani: Tehran axis' political mobilization reveals dimensions in Marib's battles

Govt welcomes Security Council's statement about the so-called STC

FM discusses with Russian ambassador latest developments in Yemen

President Al-Alimi stresses need for international action regarding Houthi violations

Al-Mahrami: Houthi militias a 'Terrorist Group' doesn't believe in peace, never honors its pledges

Iranian arms shipment refutes Houthi peace rhetoric: Minister

VP confirms keenness on realizing peace

Marib Governor discusses with US envoy latest developments

Yemen won't be fine as long as terrorist militias continue to kill & besiege our people, says Hadi

Al-Iryani warns Iran's mercenaries 'Houthis': Be careful don't turn Yemen into international battlefield

Al-Sabri: The government continues to deal positively with the truce

Minister Fath denounces continuous relief violations by Houthis

Member of the Presidential Council Mujally receives French ambassador

Houthis met govt concessions with stubbornness and circumventions, says Hadi

International Security Council affirms its strong commitment to unity, sovereignty, Independence and territorial integrity of Yemen

HR organizations call upon UN to protect journalists in Yemen

Bin Mubarak, German counterpart discuss Yemen developments

Arab Coalition spokesman calls on UN to run Sana'a airport

Yemen Govt calls on UN, Arab League to condemn STC coup

PM: Govt. has been keen to establish sustainable peace

PM urges joining efforts to eliminate Houthi militias' coup, scheme

Council of Ministers praises Saudi Arabia's role in supporting Yemen

Government says al-Qerbi lost his compass as a politician

Iranian officials 'remarks confirm Iran's involvement in fighting alongside Houthis'

17,000 kidnapped persons held in Houthi custodies

Presidential Council deputy welcomes Biden's statement regarding Yemen

Leadership Council chairman receives UN Special Envoy in Aden

President al-Alimi confirms commitment of the council to peace option based on agreed upon references

Al-Yamani calls for sustainable solution to Yemen's crisis

FM: The Safer tanker issue could have been resolved years ago at a much lower cost

Hodeidah deal 'at risk of collapse'because of Houthi excesses

Government sends letter to SC on Iran's agent smuggling to Yemen as ambassador

Foreign Ministry condemns Houthi militia's attack on oil tanker

Member of Presidential Council receives Dutch ambassador

Doctors unveil severity of torture Al-Mashriqi went through in Houthi jail

FM participates in Arab League ministerial sessions

PM: Yemeni People will not forget Saudi role defending them

President Hadi receives UN's Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths

Yemen submits a letter of protest to Lebanon about Hezbollah's interference

FM: It can't be imagined to administer harbor, ensure its security separately from Hodeidah's city.

UN Coordinator's statement politicized and biased: gov't official

Parliament Leadership urges Presidential Leadership Council to take necessary measures to deter Houthis' attacks, atrocities against the Yemeni peoples

President Hadi presides over cabinet's extraordinary meeting in Aden

President al-Alimi urges mosques' orators , preachers to promote contemporary religious discourse

Yemen slams UN rights report, says UN experts depended on sources gravitated towards Houthis

VP: the federal state of six regions is the wayout for Yemenis

Interior Minister reveals Houthi militia's involvement in ISIS, terrorist attacks

President Hadi: Repercussions of Houthi putschist militia's war caused Yemen grave damages

UNSC calls Yemen parties to engage in good faith talks

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