Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Muamar al-Eryani has said abducting female journalist and humanitarian activist Sahar al-Khawlani from her home by Houthi terrorist militia and forcibly disappearing her due to her coverage of the difficult living conditions faced by citizens exemplify the tragedy of Yemeni women in areas under the militia's control, and the oppressive practices and crimes against them.
Algeria's National Electoral Authority (NEA) announced that Abdelmadjid Tebboune won a second term in the presidential elections, after obtaining 94.65 percent of the votes.
Morocco achieved a valuable 1-0 victory over its counterpart Lesotho in the match that brought them together, in the Moroccan city of Agadir, in the second round of matches in Group Two of the qualifiers for the African Nations Cup 2025.
The Ministry of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs has denounced attack of Khor Mor Gas Field at al-Sulaimaniah Governorate in Iraq Kurdistan Region by unknown drone.
According to the Minister of Electricity in Kurdistan, the attack resulted in killing four Yemeni workers and injuring another number slightly.
In a statement by the foreign ministry, it said it is in continuous coordination and follow up with Yemen's embassy in Baghdad. The embassy is conducting intensive communications with concerned officials in Iraq and authorities in Kurdistan to understand reasons and circumstances of the incident.
The ministry pointed out that it is working with concerned bodies for evacuation process and bring bodies of the Yemeni killed workers to the homeland. The killed workers are Ali Abdo Ahmad Nasser, Yousof Yasser Hamoud Farea, Isam Mohammed al-Kazemi and Awadh Abdo Ali al-Mayyas.
The ministry also pointed out that it has followed up the condition of the seriously injured worker who are Muneer al-Jarbani and Ammar al-Qubaiba, who are in a stable condition now.
The ministry expressed heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, asking Almighty God to have mercy on them and reside them in heaven and prayed for quick recovery for the injured.