توقع مركز التنبؤات الجوية والإنذار المبكر في الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني والأرصاد، اليوم السبت، أن يكون الطقس في المناطق الساحلية والقريبة منها، معتدل نهاراً وبارد نسبياً إلى بارد أثناء الليل والصباح الباكر، وغائم جزئياً، والرياح خفيفة إلى معتدلة تنشط على باب المندب والسواحل الغربية.
فاز باريس سان جيرمان على ضيفه موناكو بأربعة أهداف مقابل هدف في المباراة التي جمعتهما على استاد بارك دي برانس، ضمن الجولة الـ21 من الدوري الفرنسي لكرة القدم.
Government warns of riots harming Yemen's national security
[03/10/2018 07:46]
The Cabinet has continued its meetings on Wednesday for discussing current conditions and latest political, security and economic conditions, especially those associated with improving the price of local currency against foreign currencies.
Presided over by Prime Minister Ahmad Obeid bin-Daghr, the meeting confirmed support to President Hadi as legal president to the Republic of Yemen and his federal project rejecting Houthi and separatist rebellion and all terrorist acts.
The cabinet valued the recent Saudi grant of USD 200 million and confirmed that the grant will help keeping the economic condition stable.
The government demanded unifying the financial and administrative cadre to all military and security units in the framework of the financial and administrative cadre of the ministries of defense and interior and calling different parties not to pay salaries to illegal military and security units.
The Minsters Council directed a call to the so –called "the Transitional Council" to work politically and abandon any military and security units do not work under the legal authority.
It also called all parties to return to political activities away of calls to riots, which will harm all and will not exclude anyone.
The council urged the political parties, social organizations and Yemeni people to reject sabotage acts and regional incitement calls called by some to undermine the state and its efforts of normalizing life and stressed unifying fronts for protecting the unity of Yemen and its security and stability.
The cabinet denounced the kidnapping of the Head of Islah Charitable Society in Aden Mohammad al-Shugaina and killing him barbarically.
The council urged the security authorities in Aden to shoulder responsibility tostrongly face the serial of chaos and crimes and protect citizens, warning of any little doing.
"The sole beneficiary from this chaos are Houthi rebels and their allies in terrorist Iranian regime, which support their plots and political calls for chaos and violence and security and service failure for propagating legality and Saudi-UAE-led Arab Coalition have failed in managing the country and handing it over to violent and terrorist groups and failed to provide security and peace to Yemeni people," said the ministers.
The Council of Ministers called all honest Yemeni people and political parties and forces to adopt public peaceful struggle to support the project of federal state as the project for the Yemeni people.