اجتمع فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي رئيس مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم الخميس برئيس مجلس الوزراء الدكتور احمد عوض بن مبارك، ومحافظ البنك المركزي اليمني احمد غالب المعبقي، ووزراء المالية سالم بن بريك، والمياه والبيئة المهندس توفيق الشرجبي، والكهرباء والطاقة المهندس مانع بن يمين، والنفط والمعادن الدكتور سعيد الشماسي، ووزير الدولة محافظ محافظة عدن احمد لملس.
أكدت الرئاسة الفلسطينية، اليوم، أن فلسطين بأرضها وتاريخها ومقدساتها ليست للبيع وليست مشروعا استثماريا، وأن حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني غير قابلة للتفاوض وليست ورقة مساومة.
Speaker of Parliament Sultan al-Barakani met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Yemen DO Bong-Kae.
The conversations covered topics relating to the situations in Yemen, Yemen-Korean bilateral relations and the international efforts aiming to achieve peace, stability and reconstructions.
Al-Barakani celebrated the robust Yemeni-Korean 40 diplomatic relations have proved constructive and fruitful, served the mutual interests of the two countries.
He highly praised the Korean constructive role in supporting the development future programs in Yemen, mainly in the areas public education and vocational training and information technology and renewal energy.
The Parliament Speaker also deeply appreciated the Korean supportive stances in support of the internationally recognized Yemeni government, Yemen's unity, security and stability.
The Korean Ambassador reiterated his government's commitment to provide Yemen with humanitarian and development aid.
Bong-Kae stated that his country is very keen to further strengthen partnership and cooperation with Yemen in different fields to serve the mutual interests of the two countries.
He also confirmed his country's support for the unity, stability and security of the Republic of Yemen.