Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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Republican decrees appointing Cabinet Secretary General, Ambassador in FM issued

Republican decree by appointing governor of Socatra

Republic Decrees about establishing Syuon University and Syoun Hospital Administration

Republican decree establishing Abyan University issued

Appointing new Commander of the Seventh Military Region

Abdullah al-Sa'adi appointed a representative to Yemen in the UN

Two Republican decrees

President al-Alimi appoints new judges in Supreme Court

President appoints bin Aziz a chief of staff

Republican decree about appointing Governor of Aljawf governorate

Aden govern Ahmed Lamlas assigned minister of state

Maj. General Sameer Al-Sabiri appointed Commander of Taiz military axis

Ukraine's grains exports raise the GDP 5.5%

General Shallal Sha'ea appointed Military Attaché in the UAE

A presidential decree about appointing a Head of Counter-Terrorism Organization

President al-Alimi appoints Shaei al-Zandani Foreign Minister

Mohammed Abdullah Al-Hudrami appointed Deputy Foreign Minister

Appointing Anwar Kalshat President to al-Mahra University

Ballistic missile fired on Jazan intercepted

Thirty two KSrelief lorries arrive in Marib laden with humanitarian aid

Republican Decree Appoints Bahah ambassador to Egypt

Presidential decree establishes National Center for Forensic Medicine

President appoints Abdulkarim Rajeh monitor on banks in the CBY

Appointing Mabkhoot bin Madhi Governor to Hadhramaut

Brig. Bashir Saif Ghobair appointed as Commander of the Homeland Shield Forces

Republican Decree appointing Mohammad Yasser governor to Mahra issued

Republican Decree appoints vice finance minister issued

Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik appointed as a divisor of the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council

Republican decree ratifying MoU with Hungary issued

Appointing Faez Qahtan, Commander for Second Military Region

Two Republican decrees

China's auto sales rise by 8.3 pct

Presidential decree appointing Commander of Aljawf Military Axis

Nasser Al-Khader Assawadi appointed governor of Al-Baidha

Over 7 Mln Passengers Travelled through Sofia Airport in 2023

Republican Decree appoints new governor to Mahra issued

Foreign ministry surprised by UNICEF representative's tweets on al-Durayhimi incident

Appointing Ahmad BinMubarak Prime Minister

China's foreign trade rises by 6.1% in the first half of 2024

Inflation rate in Oman increased by 0.7 percent in June

Saleh Ahmed Arrassas appointed member of Shoura Council

KSRelief Center distributes 1500 food baskets in Marib

Presidential decree by appointing Commander of Military Police

President al-Alimi appoints General Lawyer for military prosecutions

Republican Decree changing ministers issued

Republican decree to extend mandate of National Committee for Investigation into Human Rights Violations

KSrelief Center extends MASAM's contract one year

MASAM pulls out 1.611 Houthi laid landmines in November

MASAM' pulls out 1396 landmines in March

OIC condemns Houthi militia's laden-explosives drone against Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Culture condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister

Coalition welcomes Yemen's acceptance of UN ceasefire calls

Taiz: 38 people killed and injured in Houthi shelling in less than 2 months

Republican decrees about appointing Ambassadors to Spain, USA

UN Secretary General calls on Houthi militia to free UN employees immediately

Minister Mujalli participates in Berlin 11th Conference of Agriculture Ministers

A UAE ship attacked by Houthi guided missile, Arab coalition says

General Lakhsha'a Ambassador, Brig. Mutaher Ashoa'ib Aden Police Director

Yemen reaches 124th place in FIFA's monthly ranking

Yemen reaches 124th place in FIFA's monthly ranking

Essam al-Kathiri Under-Secretary of Local Administration, Amer al-Ameri Deputy Governor of Hadramout

Saudi warns of trying to impose new reality in Yemeni government's power seat

Presidential Decree appoints commanders to joint forces

Republican decree pardons Vice President from his post issued

KSRelief Center distributes 1500 food baskets in Marib

Gallup poll shows 63% of working Bulgarians satisfied with their jobs

Endowment Ministry denounces fabrication of false statements

MASAM removes 998 Houthi-laid landmines in 1st week of May

Presidency refutes Saudi restrictions on President, Ministers

KSrelief announces extension of Masam's mission to clear mines in Yemen for one year

Parliament establishes Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad

Republican decree on establishing al-Mahra University issued

Saudi Arabia allows flights from Sana'a to Jeddah to transport pilgrims

Houthi militias blamed for 340 violations in al-Baydha governorate in 2023—Report

Jawf's Human Rights Office discloses Houthi detention cells in the province

European Investment Fund: Bulgaria Second in EU for 2023 Cohesion Investments

Houthi claim of firing ballistic at Saudi airport not true, says Al-Maliki

Republican decrees appointing new media officials issued

Republican decree establishing community colleges in Lahj, Shabwa issued

Maliki: 4 drones launched by Houthi militia towards Saudi Arabia destroyed

Brigadier Al-Khabi appointed Commander of Seventh Military Zone, Maj. General Athaibani Dep. Chief of Combat Operations

Coalition announces completion of exchange of prisoners and detainees by releasing 104 Houthi prisoners

An authoritative official disclaims news story about the incident of Al-Hiaim's market

Dr Arrabi'ah: KSA, UAE to provide $70 million to support teachers' salaries in Yemen

Interior Ministry suspends work until STC militia vacate state institutions

Arab Coalition calls for reversing separatists' 'self-rule' move

Maj. General Saleh Talib a Chair of Join Operations Commission, Maj. General Yousf Ashraji, Dep. Chair

Saudi Air Defenses shoot down 5 drones fired by Houthi militia toward Abha airport

Amb. Bin Safa'a briefs Assistant of Kuwaiti FM on Houthi militia's crimes against civilians

Al-Maliki: Saudi air defenses intercept Houthi ballistic missile fired toward Najran

Yemen's embassy clarifies on recent visa measures to Egypt

Washington, London, Paris blame Tehran for arming Houthis

Report: Houthi militias blamed for killing 7 detainees, torturing 120 others

Yemen, Russia discuss SC's session on Safir Tanker

KSA calls for expediting the Riyadh Agreement implementation

A decree by Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council about establishing homeland shield forces

Almahwat: Over 40 thousand violations by Houthi militia -report

Presidential decrees by appointing commanders of two military zones

BTA chief: News should not be treated as commodity but as human right

Houthis committed thousands of human rights after storming northern Yemen district: report

Report: 2274 civilians killed, 2752 injured by Houthis –laid landmines since 2014

Presidential decree mandates COCA to audit the CBY actions

KSrelief calls UN to conduct transparent probe into itsorganizations' corruption

Apple's Mac computers sales decline on annual basis

Report: 5143 violations by Houthi militia against civilians in Albaidh

Bin Mubarak: We're concerned about US administration intention to reconsider the designation Houthis terrorist organization

Saudi air defenses intercept 4 Houthi ballistic missiles fired toward Jazan

Saudi air defenses intercept Houthi ballistic missile fired toward Najran

Chinese car sales surges 26.4 percent in the first quarter of 2024

Saudi Arabia calls for stopping flow of weapons to the terrorist Houthi militia

China's Passenger Car Exports Increase by 28% in June

Arab Coalition carries out air operations on Houthi military targets

Saudi air defenses intercept Houthi ballistic missiles fired toward Jazan city

New republican decree reconstitutes the Medical Council in Aden

'MASAM' demines 1444 Houthis-laid landmines in 1st week of April

Al-Eryani warns of humanitarian catastrophe due to Houthi military operations on Marib

Survey: 71% of Bulgarians Shop Online

Saudi Air Defenses shoot down Houthi ballistic missile

Arab Coalition destroys two Houthi explosive boats in the Red Sea

Republican decree reshuffling CBY's board issued

Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes convening parliament in Hadramout

Al-Eryani: Houthi Militia's escalation in Marib caused huge displacement wave

UAE RC rehabilitates 'Shaheer Entertaining Park' in Ghail Ba-Wazear

Arab Coalition destroys 36 Houthi naval mines

Report: Houthi militias blamed for 3419 offenses against civilians in Ibb governorate

Al-Maliki: Houthi militia's ballistic rocked intercepted over Najran

Coalition's Spokesperson: the ICRC's plane changed its route from Sana'a Airport

Report: Houthi militias blamed for 7553 violations against civilians in Aljwaf governorate in 2022

Arab welcoming of the process of detainee exchange between the government and the Houthi militia

Supreme Elections Committee confirmsnon- recognition of Sana'aby-elections

PM: We're facing big challenges but we'll deal with firmly

Arab Coalition Forces spokesman: fighter intercepted by hostile missile from Saada

Bahrain welcomes UNSCR 2451 about Yemen

Outcomes of IMF's visit affirms the CBY adopted effective economic polices

The CPJ calls on the STC to end its raids on the media outlets in Aden

Al-Eryani: Iranian Commander's statements, recognition of fighting with Houthis

Arab Coalition announces targeting site for assembling booby-trapped boats in Hodeidah

Arab Coalition says took measures to ensure continuity of freedom of shipping

GCC calls upon Coalition, Yemeni parties to stop military operations

Bahrain condemns detaining Yemeni employees working for UN, US by Houthi militia

Yemen participates in regular session of the Standing Committee for Arab Media

Yemen condemns Houthi militia's attack on Abha airport

Presidential Decree on restructuring Judiciary Council issued

IFJ holds Houthis responsible for safety of kidnapped journalist Al-Dais

Al-Maliki announces arrival of 19 coalition prisoners at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh

The Arab coalition: An exchange of visits with Houthis concerned with the file of humanitarian prisoners

Report: Up 20thuasand violations by Houthis against children

Saudi Arabia: Kingdom visitors' spendings exceeds 45 SRL during first quarter of 2024

Al-Eryani: Continuous recruiting children, mass killing crimes

Killing, injuring more than 23 thousand Palestinian students since Israeli aggression began

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