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Presidential Leadership Council considers repercussions of Houthis' terrorist attacks
[24/11/2022 05:02]

The Presidential Leadership Council held a virtual session today, Thursday, via video conference devoted to discuss the Houthis' terrorist attacks on the oil facilities, and to explore necessary measures to neutralize these attacks and contain their disastrous implications upon the humanitarian and economic situations.

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, chaired the meeting included members of the Council: Aidarous Azoubidi, Sultan al-Erada, Tariq Saleh, Abdurahman al-Mahrami, Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi and Othman Mujalli.

Prime Minister Dr. Ma'een Abdulmalik contributed to the deliberations.
The Council deliberately discussed the government's practical procedures to implement the National Defense Council's resolution No (1) of 2022 about designating the Houthi militias a" Terrorist Organization" and the subsequent measures to be taken in the economic, political and security areas within the framework of legal rules in relevance.

The Prime Minister reported to the Council about the recent terrorist attack on al-Dubba terminal port in Hadramout and the subsequent consequences of the attacks.

The Minister of Defense (Lt Gen) Mohssen Addaeri also reported about the defensive preparedness of the Armed Forces to deter these sabotage attacks.

The Council stated that these terrorist operations against the fundamental civil facilities can never be tolerated because they do not only target the remaining live-saving economic veins for millions of the Yemenis but also they constitute a threat to the region stability, energy supplies, freedom of international trade and international peace and security.

The Presidential Council noted that the scraps of the drones used these terrorist attacks proved the involvement of the Iranian regime which supports those sabotage actions.

The Council stressed that it is time for the International Community to realize the danger of the continuation of such threats and overlooking Iran's role in providing the Terrorist Houthi militias with the technology of the ballistic missiles and drones of which huge shipments were intercepted over the recent weeks.

The Presidential Council underlined the potential grave consequences of these terrorist operations including crisis of the salaries of the government's employees, food security all around Yemen, collapse of all underway efforts to avert famine.

The Council called on the International Community to bear its responsibility toward this dangerous terrorist threat which the Houthi militias are bragging about even though it is a war-crime requires stern punishment by designating this militia an International Terrorist Organization.

The Presidential Leadership Council voiced deep appreciation for the unwavering support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and the United States for the Presidential Leadership Council, Yemeni government and peoples.

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