[20/01/2025 02:12]
Minister of Local Administration Hussein al-Aghbari discussed Monday here with Dr. Nadia al-Kawkabani, the Project Manager at the German Berghof Foundation security and peace projects.
They also discussed local governance initiatives that the organization is working on in several governorates of the Republic.
Minister Al-Aghbari emphasized the importance of enhancing cooperation between communities and local authorities through the implementation of development programs and projects aimed at conflict resolution, as well as promoting the status of women and youth in society.
He noted the significance of small projects as sources of renewal and innovation, contributing to the development of administrative and technical capacities that can transform small projects into larger ones.
The minister also highlighted the critical role of international and civil organizations in localizing community work and social cohesion through civic cooperatives and local initiatives, as well as comprehensive mechanisms for building peace and development, which are essential for the success of development projects and programs for local communities.
For her part, al-Kawkabani presented the development projects and programs related to security, peace and local governance being implemented in the governorates of (Hadhramaut, Aden, and Taiz.)
She also pointed out to the project aimed at enhancing social cohesion through comprehensive mechanisms for peacebuilding, which the Berghof Foundation is striving to implement in partnership with the Political Development Forum in Abyan Governorate during 2025.
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