ارتفع إجمالي احتياطيات النقد الأجنبي للصين، إلى 3.2659 تريليون دولار في نهاية شهر نوفمبر الماضي، بزيادة 4.8 مليار دولار أو 0.15 بالمائة عن نهاية شهر أكتوبر الماضي.
The Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr. Nizar Basuhayb discussed today, Thursday, in the temporary capital of Aden, with the Director of the Food Security Analysis Unit at the World Food Program (WFP) Gulliver Seki and his team the ongoing arrangements for the Food Security and Livelihoods Survey for the year 2024.
The In the same context, Dr. Basuyab conferred with the National Coordinator of the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FAO) Abigail Nyokori and the Acting FAO Aden Office Yakhoum Fenima over the FAO's programs and interventions for the next humanitarian response plan 2025.