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Cabinet addresses a number of developments at the local and external levels
[27/03/2023 03:06]

Aden – Saba
In a meeting in the interim capital, Aden, headed by Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik, the Cabinet addressed a number of current developments at the local and external levels, in light of the continuous escalation of the terrorist Houthi militia and options for dealing with it, in addition to issues related to improving services and economic conditions.

The Cabinet discussed at length the options of the state and government to deal with the military escalation of the terrorist Houthi militia, especially in Hareeb, Merkha and other fronts, and its continued criminal acts and repeated attacks on civilian objects, public roads and the targeting of civilians, including its terrorist attack that targeted the convoy of the governor of Taiz.

The Cabinet affirmed that the escalation of crimes by the terrorist Houthi militia, in light of the regional, UN and international
moves to reach a political solution, will not go unpunished, whatever the cost, and that the government cannot accept that the Yemeni people remain hostage to the crimes and violations of these terrorist militias.

It pointed out that relying on the possibility of the Houthi terrorist militia yielding to peace is a deceptive bet, and all experiences with it prove that, and the only way to a solution is to complete the restoration of the state and end the coup.

At the outset of the meeting, the Prime Minister gave a comprehensive briefing on developments in the situation at the political, military, security, economic and service levels, and the importance of everyone shouldering their responsibilities during this stage in a manner that meets the aspirations of citizens.

He stressed the need to redouble efforts by ministries and relevant authorities and rise to the level of exceptional challenges and focus on carrying out the tasks entrusted to them that affect the lives and livelihood of citizens.

The premier touched on the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council in light of the report he submitted to the Council’s recent meeting on the economic and living situation, and the interventions required to maintain financial, monetary and commodity stability, and the supply of basic services.

He directed the ministries and competent authorities to implement the decisions of the Presidential Council, especially what is related to improving the efficiency of ports, airports, and land outlets, and providing all facilities for the movement of individuals, goods, and private sector activities, and doubling efforts to secure basic services, especially electricity, and adequate Ramadan catering needs.

The Prime Minister referred to the results of his meeting with the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff, the Commander of Joint Operations, and the Commander of the Support Forces of the Arab Coalition, following the field visits that they carried out to a number of combat fronts, areas and military axes in Marib, Al-Mahra, Socotra and the West Coast.. referring to the Ministry of Defense’s plan to coordinate the work of the axes and fronts in a unified joint operations room along the liberated areas, in addition to the logistical needs to maintain military readiness, in implementation of the directives of the Presidential Council.

The Council of Ministers approved a license to establish an oil derivatives refinery, storage tanks, and a free industrial zone in Al-Dabbah, Hadramout Governorate.

It directed the relevant ministries, in coordination with the local authority in Hadramout Governorate, to take the necessary measures for implementation. The Council of Ministers approved the license to establish a plant for extracting liquefied petroleum gas, storing it and refilling it in the oil and gas sectors run by PetroMasila in Yemen.

The Cabinet reviewed the service, economic and living conditions, especially alleviating the suffering of citizens as a result of frequent power outages, and improving water service in the interim capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates, and took a number of decisions and procedures according to the visions presented by the competent ministries..and assigned the concerned ministers, in coordination with the local authorities, to expedite the implementation of decisions on the ground, which reflects positively and tangibly on the daily lives and livelihood of citizens.

The Cabinet listened to a briefing from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on political developments and UN, regional and international moves to reach a political solution in Yemen, and the corresponding intransigence and rejection by the terrorist Houthi militia, pointing to the results of his regional visits to a number of countries and his participation in a number of conferences.

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