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Cabinet: Houthis escalation, blatant messages to UN, rejection of peace efforts
[10/01/2019 06:48]

The Cabinet has confirmed that Houthi militia's recent escalation and targeting al-Anad Military Air-Base in Lahj Province, their repeated preaches of the ceasefire in Hodeida and rejection of implementing Sweden agreement are blatant messages to the international community and a clear indicator of rejecting peace efforts.

In a press release issued on Thursday, the Ministers Council considered the silence of the United Nations and the Security Council and tolerating crimes of this coupist militia and not implanting the SC's resolutions has encouraged it to escalate its aggressive and barbaric approach to threaten the regional stability.

The council pointed out that the increased shipments of Iran-made bombed droned since Stockholm agreement has been systematic act for failing efforts of the UN Secretary General and his envoy to Yemen and for making breakthrough in ending the war triggered by Houthi militia and clearly points to Tehran involvement in guidingHouthis for serving its interests.

The release prayed mercy for the souls of the martyrs killed by Houthi aggressive operation and hoped quick recovery to the injured people, confirming that justice will punish the criminal militia which practices different forms of treacheries and betrayals and the perpetrators will be cracked down in their dark caves sooner or later by hands of martyrs' colleagues in the national army and people resistance.

The release stressed that the UN and International Community are before a real test for their seriousness and ability on stopping such Houthi stubbornness and those who stand behind them by taking serious actions, not verbal condemnations or hints for appeasement.

The release confirmed that the government and the Arab Coalition will not stay idol in cases such escalations continue for prolonging the war and complicating suffering of the Yemeni people and the worse humanitarian catastrophe in the world.

"The Government of Yemen held the international community responsible to define the obstructers of peace and the continuation delay for deterring the militias will only lead to more of suffering of the Yemeni people and threatening the regional and international security," the release went on.

"Wheneverwe take a step and respond to international efforts for peace come such reaction from Iran's agents in Yemen and their terrorist approach will continue as long as the international community tolerates implementing its clear and frank resolutions on Yemen," added the release.

The cabinet condemned Iran's rebellion against the UN resolutions and its continuous violations of the ban on arming Houthis, providing them with drones and smuggling rockets and weapons to them and they will not stop if they are not strongly deterred by the international community.

The Council of Ministers repeated demand of serious position against Iranian plots for influence in the region and its sabotage and destructive agenda, which will hit the whole of the world without exception.

The council confirmed that dependence on surrender of Houthis and their supporters to peace is just mere deceptive bet and this deception is crystalized everyday with the continuous killing and torturing Yemeni people and breaching agreements.

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