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Yemen participates in 54th Session of Arab Information Ministers Council
[29/05/2024 06:38]
The Republic of Yemen participated on Wednesday in the activities of the 54th regular session of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, held in the Bahraini capital Manama, with a delegation headed by the Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar al-Eryani.

At the beginning of his speech to the meeting, Minister al-Eryani conveyed the greetings of His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, and his colleagues, members of the Council, and the Prime Minister, Ahmed bin Mubarak, to the participating delegations, and his wishes for their meeting's success and achievement.

He touched on the developments on the Yemen , and the positions of the legitimate authority represented by His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Mohammad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, in support of efforts to achieve comprehensive, just and sustainable peace based on the nationally, regionally and internationally agreed upon references, led by Security Council Resolution 2216, which ensures the restoration of the state and the non-repetition of the conflict, prevents the coup against the state, and the return of decent services for citizens.

Minister al-Eryani also referred to the efforts of the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and their honorable efforts and positions towards their brothers in Yemen in various economic, development, relief and humanitarian fields, which culminated in sponsoring the peace process with the brothers in the Sultanate of Oman, which had made great progress amid Houthi attacks and their continued provocation of crises and military escalation on various fronts, and their continued terrorist and criminal acts against the Yemeni people.

Al-Eryani emphasized that the Arab countries are the true and historical depth for defending the Palestinian cause, supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people, and declaring their independent state, and they have been working since the beginning of the current events to stop the shedding of Palestinian blood, end the siege of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and stand as a bulwark against policies of displacement and attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause away from cheap bidding, trade and exploitation that end with the Iranian regime and its proxies in the region.

He expressed his gratitude for these honorable positions and important and continuous movements at the political and humanitarian levels with wisdom and competence, led by the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with their brothers in Egypt, the UAE, Qatar and Jordan, as well as Algeria, a member of the Security Council, with the aim of reaching an immediate ceasefire of the brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and putting an end to the war crimes and genocide committed against the Palestinian people.

He expressed support of the Repulic of Yemen to the plan of the Arab Information Activation abroad and the decisions taken in this session in this regard.

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