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Yemenis say UN rights experts' report averts gaze from Houthi atrocities, encourages more
[29/09/2021 03:05]

Yemeni human rights activists have argued that the latest report of the UN Group of Eminent Experts has averts gaze from the Houthi militia's abuses and encourages the Iranian-backed militia to continue to commit violations and crimes against the Yemeni people through arrests, kidnappings, enforced disappearances, killings, launching ballistic missiles and explosive drones against civilians and civilian objects, which result in the deaths and injuries amongst civilians, including women and children.

At a seminar held in the University of Geneva on the (Report of the Group of Eminent Experts), the activists pointed out that the UN's fourth report adopted a poor method in recounting the facts and in gathering them from prejudiced sources, stressing that the report turned a blind eye to crimes and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed by the Houthi militia against the Yemeni people.

They also noted that the report completely ignored the Safer oil tanker stalemate and what it might cause in the event of an explosion or oil leakage from it, a serious environmental disaster.

Activist Magdi Al-Akwa, the Secretary-General of the International Bloc for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms, a Yemeni NGO, said, "As in the previous three reports, the eminent experts followed in the fourth one a poor method in recounting the facts receiving them from biased sources, and did not bother to verify the information's authenticity. "..noting that the report uses the same broad terms of Houthis when referring to the militia's violations, which confirms the bias of the experts or those who formulate their reports."

Al-Akwa pointed out that the report avoided holding the Houthi militia responsible for the serious and proven violations, such as the attack on the government during its arrival at Aden International Airport on December 30, 2020.

He said that the report was "unprofessional" and oblivious to the violations committed by the militias in Yemen and neighboring countries through their use of missiles.

Member of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate, Nabil Al-Osaydi said that the international ignorance of the Houthi militia's violations reduces the credibility of the international community in Yemen.

He pointed out that the Houthi militia did not allow international organizations and monitors to access places of detention, as happened with the UN panel when they were prevented from visiting prisons in Sanaa. He said the Houthis forcibly employed loyalists in the international organizations. He said that the experts panel's failure to authenticate claims result in unprofessional reports.

He asserted that the panel is a politicized and unable to find solutions and reach the victims, which makes its reports devoid of credibility and clarity.

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