Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi held talks with the UK Ambassador to Yemen Abda Sharif over the local Yemeni and regional situations, and bilateral coordination and relations.
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The African Financial Summit, organized under the title "Time for African Financial Powers" kicked off its discussions today, Monday, in Casablanca, Morocco.
Yemen parties say int'l community act blind as Houthis pursue racist dynastical ambitions
[11/06/2020 01:50]
Yemen's political parties said the international community act blind as the Houthis pursue raciest dynastical ambitions.
The theocratic militia fighting the government for six years enacted this week a law that will allow them to levy 20% of the state revenues mostly to the benefit of prophet Mohammed's Hashemite class to which the Houthi leaders say they belong.
In a statement, the National Alliance of Political Parties, an inclusive umbrella, said, "Those militias would not dare to take such a step if not the international blind-eye approach toward their daily crimes … and the dynastical discrimination" which motivates their "longstanding war against the Yemeni people."
The parties said the militia are aiming to reinstate the pre-1962 theocratic " Imamite regime and its destructive and loathed history."
The parties appealed to the "international community and advocates of human rights to condemn these racist acts" which do not differ from "Nazism and fascism" and to support the Yemeni people to struggle against this bigoted militia.