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Government tackles developments in Sana'a, US decision on Quds
[07/12/2017 07:11]

The Council of Ministers discussed on Thursday a number of issues on internal and external levels, especially latest developments in the Capital Sana'a over Houthi militia of mass execution and war crimes against civilians.

The council elaborately discussed most recent violations including attacking female protest in Sana'a and arresting and humiliating its participants, which is an unprecedented act contradicting all moral and humanitarian values and traditions, as well as government's plan on dealing with them in coordination with the Saudi-led Coalition.

The council confirmed that the government will not remain silent over field mass executions and arrests of members of the General People Congress and the military and security commander by Houthi militia.

The cabinet prayed for mercy for former President Ali Saleh and Secretary General of the General People Congress ArefAzzouka and all martyrs killed by Houthis, confirming that the punishment for these crimes will be the terrible defeat against this militia.

The Council of the Ministers repeated a call to all political and social parties to unify their efforts under the legality represented by President Abdo-Rabbo Mansour Hadi to get rid of Houthi terrorist militia and defending the republic, which has become threatened more than before.

Listening to a report from Human Rights Minister on Houthi militia's mass killing and arrest during the past four days, the council called upon the United Nations, right organizations and international community for quick action and bring victory to humanity, which is being slaughtered by Houthi terrorists.

The Ministers' Council discussed on the dangerous decision of US President on recognizing Quds as a capital to Israeli entity and relocating US embassy in it.

The council renewed its firm position on standing by Palestinian People and its right of sovereignty on its territories led by Holly Quds. The government strongly condemned the US decision contradicting all international legality's decisions.

The government called for united Arab position for facing the US decision and defend the issue of Quds and Palestine as central issue for Arab and Islamic Nation.

The ministers were briefed by Minister of Endowments on assassinations of scholars of Aden's mosque and stressed on security forces to adopt all measures for tightening security and stability of the preachers and all citizens.

The council approved establishing local FM radio in the transitional capital of Aden and authorized the ministry of information to provide executive plan for carrying out the project.

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