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Parties Alliance: Yemenis continues their struggle to preserve national gains led by Republic
[22/05/2024 02:08]

The Alliance of Yemeni forces and parties extended congratulations and blessings to the political leadership under the Presidency of President of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi and to the Yemeni people who have long struggled to achieve this accomplishment of Yemen's unity on the 22nd of May, 1990.

In a statement on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the National Day of the Republic of Yemen, a copy of which was received by (Saba), the alliance stated that the Yemeni people have made and continue to make sacrifices to preserve the national gains, which culminated in the achievement of Yemeni unity and the restoration of the cohesion of the beloved Yemeni homeland after decades of division, which was one of the byproducts of the theocratic Imamate rule in the North and the hated British colonialism in the South of our beloved Yemeni homeland.

The statement of the coalition of parties and political forces considered the restoration of Yemeni unity on May 22, 1990 as a new chapter in the birth of Great Yemen, which Yemenis have long dreamed of and the culmination of the struggles of many generations who made sacrifices to achieve this great fruit, which was associated with political pluralism, freedom of expression, and contributed to providing the proper channels for the people to express their differences and the diversity of their orientations framed by the constitution of the Unity.

The statement pointed out that "despite the mistakes that marred the post-declaration of Yemeni unity, time and the efforts of the loyal patriots were sufficient to address and correct them."

"Were it not for the forces of evil that have been lying in wait for Yemen, its unity and its republican system since the success of the revolutions of September and October, and seized the opportune moment to pounce on all these gains in an attempt to turn back the wheel of history and take revenge on the moment when Yemen escaped the shackles of the Imamate and fragmentation, and despite the failure of their endeavors to achieve this, they managed to plunge Yemen into a conflict that has not yet ended and to prolong the suffering of the Yemenis and hinder their aspirations for stability and development," the statement went on.

On this auspicious occasion, the alliance of Yemeni political parties and forces affirmed that the "march of struggle" to restore the state will not stop and that the right to a free, dignified life and a state governed by order and law is non-negotiable and inviolable.

The statement stressed that all these goals will only be achieved under a pluralistic republican democratic system, and a federal Yemen that guarantees equal opportunities for all its children and is based on human development as the cornerstone of comprehensive development. A Yemen that learns from history and does not repeat its mistakes, and only follows those legacies that express the essence of Yemeni identity and the good of all, rejecting every cause proven to be corrupt and futile.

The statement explained that the 34th anniversary of the restoration of Yemeni unity this year comes while Yemen is experiencing highly complex conditions due to the failure of peace efforts and the terrorist Houthi militia's insistence on prolonging the suffering of the Yemenis and its determination to dismember the country and tear apart the bonds of kinship among Yemenis.

The alliance of political parties and forces affirmed that "despite the years of war and suffering, the celebration of the anniversary of Yemeni unity remains a present value in the hearts of Yemenis across the beloved homeland and is one of the common denominators that unites all segments and strata of the Yemeni people."

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